Pien Brewing

Pien Brewing is a bien brewery. Running after the freshest beers reached its endpoint – beer cannot be fresher than when drinking from the tap of a brewery. Thus, we founded our own brewery to declare our love for fresh fruit bombs!

Experimenting with hazy hoppy beers & rich full stouts

Pien Brewing is the creation of Erkki Häme, where Jirka Ordén operated as Head Brewer at the beginning of brewing story. In addition to hazy juicy IPA’s, we concentrate especially on big barrel-aged dark beers and West Coast hop bombs. However, we’re not afraid of any modern beer style – experimenting is very important to us as long as the cliché of the brewing world actualizes: we only brew beers we want to drink ourselves.

We seek inspiration mostly from America, getting our hands on the most recent trends and respected beers. Our goal is to brew internationally comparable beers – by not holding back on ingredients and time used on the beer. A great example of this is our Barrel Blending project where we mix together different long-barrel-aged beers to find that perfect blend.

Pien Brewing is now expanding – follow our Instagram to keep up with beer releases and other news in 2022.


Explore our latest creations, first-ever beers, and the top-rated brews on Untappd!

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